Submit your knitting and crochet pattern

Want to see your pattern listed here? Awesome! I’m always looking to support new and seasoned fibre artists like myself.

Share this post!

I accept both paid and free patterns. Everything is clearly marked so potential customers won’t get confused.

Fill out the form below and I’ll add your pattern as soon as I can. I get busy, and sometimes it may take a while.

***Please press the submit button only once!!! Depending on the size of your photo and how many submissions are coming in, it may take a bit. The page will reload when done and you’ll receive a confirmation message on this page.

Add Your Pattern

Fill out this form to add your pattern to the site
Type of Pattern(Required)
I'm only accepting knitting and crochet patterns. If there is enough demand to add other types of pattern designs (ie sewing, paper crafts, etc.), I'll be more than happy to add that too.

Is this a free pattern?(Required)
The name of the website your pattern appears on. Do NOT add the link here.
Post Image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
This is the information that appears on the pattern page on this site. The more info the better!
What you'll need to make your pattern. Include type and weight of yarn, needle size, buttons, etc. as applicable.
Is there a category you'd like to see added? Maybe have some extra info you'd like to add. Put it here.
If your pattern appears on other websites, you can enter it here.
If your pattern appears on other websites, you can enter it here.
What your FaceBook or Meta handle?
What are you on Twitter? If possible, I'll tag you when I share your photo and post. Enter something like @random_user
What are you on Instagram? I may tag your account when I share your photo and post. Enter something like @random_user
* The following statement is included to
comply with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations:
as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
This helps support this website and offset the cost of hosting.

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